Because PAINT ZERO is 100% free of toxins and harmful chemicals, you can use kitchen equipment to mix in the water.
There are clear instructions on every pack, more information in our FAQ.
Follow this step-by-step guide and, in just a few minutes, you will have rich, creamy paint for walls & ceilings
1. Gather a few items...
You will need:
- A clean bowl or bucket about twice the volume of the paint you need
- A measuring jug
- A whisk or electric mixer
- And, tap water at hand-washing temperature
2. Tear the top strip off...
All PAINT ZERO packs are resealable. So any unused powder can resealed in the pack and stored safely for future use.
Note: The colour of dry PAINT ZERO powder is always white or off-white. The colours instantly develop when water is added.
3. Pour in the powder...
Any clean container is fine for mixing PAINT ZERO, even a mixing bowl. Just be sure the container is big enough to avoid splashes.
Note: Whislt PAINT ZERO is hazard free, avoid breathing in the fine powder, and keep away from children.
4. Add warm tap water...
The temperature of the water should be between 40o-60o C (hot, but not scalding or boling).
Note: The temperature does not need to be exact, just in the range that feels hot to the touch.
5. Now, it's time to whisk...
Whisk until all the PAINT ZERO powder and water are thoroughly mixed together.
With an electric whisk this will only take around 90 seconds! Or a few minutes if you are mixing by hand.
6. Enjoy fume-free painting
As soon as PAINT ZERO is cool, you can appliy it with any normal brush or roller.
The first coat will be touch dry in 2 hours but wait 4 before applying a second coat, if needed.

Paint Zero Ltd.
The Welsh Mill
Frome, BA11 2LE, UK
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